3 Key Barriers in seeking to improve call center operations

The absence of relevant metrics and process documentation can lead to call center managers and operators being lulled into a false sense of security.

  1. Call centers routinely collect data on “average” performance, such as average handle time, average speed of answer and average hold time, without delving into the details behind the averages. Which makes perfect sense from a management standpoint, but large call volumes can smooth out the peaks and valleys of performance over time.
  2. Call centers typically perform quality reviews on less than one-half percent of calls received. Poor performance by individual employees – and perhaps the overall call center – can go unnoticed because the ‘average’ metrics will not reveal it.
  3. Call centers often fail to periodically review their processes. When they do, they frequently lack statistically valid data to perform the reviews. Without detailed knowledge of call center processes, utilities are unlikely to recognize and correct problems.