Smart Grid…where do you start?

In discussions with various utilities and listening to other vendors providing both products and services over the past couple of years I hear a common question, “how do we get started?”

Smart Grid creates a unique challenge, mainly based on the fact that the scope of a given smart grid project can have widely varying scope. It can be targeted to the home, specifically inside the home beyond the meter, or focused on the telecommunications and managing assets more effectively through distribution automation.

Given all the variables and conditions that can exist it can be daunting for managers and executives to get a comfort level with all the costs associated and value they can expect in return.

The good news is, smart grid solutions can be adapted to suit most situations. Leaving managers and executives to ask some fundamental questions:

What do my customers really want?

What does my utility really need?

Those two answers will help determine a direction for not only smart grid but for the overall business and technology strategy of the organization.