Energy, Experience, Result

Interim CIO and Part-time
CIO Services

Experienced IT Executives Helping Growing Companies

Today’s ‘off-the-shelf’ software products solve a broad range of business needs, but they seldom provide a complete solution. Whether it is customization within the framework of the package or customer development to extend capabilities, companies must bridge the ‘last-mile’ to complete end-user experience. Regardless of platform or approach, iTeres believes that delivering business value is the ultimate measure of any project.

Your company may be considering technology systems to help meet market and customer demands such as:


Looking for a new IT executive but need some guidance in the short term? Need an experience CIO to stabilize your IT function while you search for a qualified full-time candidate?

iTeres interim executives are ready to step into any situation and serve as your company’s CIO. Our interim executive will perform the day-to-day functions of your CIO including working with your business executives and managing your IT staff.


Do you need world-class IT leadership to guide your IT function but can’t cost justify a full-time executive?

If you need help to make key technology decisions or oversee critical technology initiatives, are facing an emergency, or your business’ reliance on IT has grown to the point where you need more senior IT leadership to build and lead your IT function, iTeres will work with you to develop an affordable staffing solution that achieves your goals.

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