Supporting Organizational Change and Technology Needs

pmoAs an organization, how do you ensure each project has the right resources assigned in the correct amounts to meet each project’s needs? Is each project using the same standards for planning, managing change, templates, documentation, coding, configuration, testing, and tracking? Organizations that have multiple projects moving in parallel and are led by different teams risk inconsistent and inaccurate resource estimations and delivery dates. This significantly increases the risk of failed delivery or end results that do not meet project or organizational expectations.

Why Organizations Need a Program Management Office (PMO)

In tight economic conditions organizations need to be confident that resources invested in technology projects will deliver the desired results in a predictable fashion. Quality of delivery variances can leave organizations hesitant to invest resources in projects that can improve organizational performance, impacting an organizations ability to respond to market demands effectively.


PMOs prove valuable by:

• Prioritizing programs and projects, aligning them with the organization’s strategic direction, creating more cohesive directionality

• Providing process and reporting consistencies across programs and projects

• Managing resources (budgetary, time, people) more efficiently and effectively

• Providing project support to PM’s

• Developing human resources – through formal training and/or mentoring

• Functioning as a repository for lessons learned and best practices


For further information on the various functionalities of PMO’s:

• PM Tips The Successful Project Management Office

• Project Smart The 3 Different Types of PMOs

• CIO Magazine Project Management: 5 Characteristics of ‘Transformational’ PMOs


What Organizations Can Expect from a PMO

Organizations that have made the decision to implement a PMO have seen positive tangible results in their ability to address technology needs and manage organizational change.

According to CIO Magazine and Center for Business Practices:

• Organizations with PMO’s complete twice as many projects than those without

• Organizations with a PMO operating for more than four years reported a 65% project success rate increase

• PMO’s can deliver a return in three to six months by providing the visibility needed to cancel, postpone, or scale back unnecessary or less strategic projects

• Organizations with established PMO’s rank consistently higher in

– Strategy Execution
– Shareholder Satisfaction
– Customer Satisfaction
– Budget/Schedule Performance
– Financial Performance
– Resource Allocation
– Strategic Alignment
– Portfolio Performance

What Your Organization Can Expect from iTeres

If your organization uses projects to help achieve strategic and functional goal, then you can benefit from a PMO that is properly operated. For best results, PMO’s should reflect the organization’s culture, as well as its aims. At iTeres, we understand one size does NOT fit all – We are ready to work with you to create or improve an existing PMO to fit your organization, its requirements, and its goals.